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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 8, 2017

How to Select a Patent Attorney?

Could you use a little help protecting your invention? If so, an attorney skilled in patent law is your best bet.

As you can imagine, conveying your invention to someone who knows nothing about it will be difficult.  Therefore, it is best if you are in direct contact with your patent attorney. You can meet in person and show the patent attorney any prototypes or drawings you may have to help illustrate your invention.  As you can probably guess, the process will go more smoothly if you work with a patent attorney near you.  Although it can be done, a long distance relationship will only strain the process.   
Probably the best way to select a patent attorney in your city is through word of mouth.  To help find referrals (and to associate with others who have interests similar to yours), you may want to join a local inventors club.  You can also search through the USPTO’s list of registered patent attorneys or even just use their database to check your potential patent attorney’s credentials.

When you are seeking out a suitable patent attorney, you need to ask about their experience and background. Ask them what degrees they hold, the number of years they’ve spent writing and prosecuting patents, and the number of patents granted.  Get references from previous clients and call them to ask about their experience with the patent attorney.

When selecting a patent attorney, it’s also important to find someone who specializes in the field your invention is related to.  Patent attorneys are not equal in all areas.  For starters, what is their degree(s) in?  This is very important.  Some patent attorneys will have a degree in engineering.  Other patent attorneys will be skilled in the field of biology, others physics and yet others, computer science.  You don’t want to take your newly invented cell line (yes you can patent such things) to a patent attorney with a background in electrical engineering.  You would want a patent attorney with a background in biology to help you with this type of invention. 

If you have a basic invention, going with a patent attorney with a general mechanical engineering background will probably save you some money.  Specialized professionals usually charge more.
You want their background and your invention type to match as closely as possible.  Writing patent applications is a bit of an art.  Obviously, a patent attorney will come in handy to help you through the legalese, but there is also a great deal of knowledge and specific technical detail that must go along with it.  This is why patent attorneys must have technical backgrounds.

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Please click here to learn more about ANT Lawyers IP Practice or contact our IP lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at (+84) 24 32 23 27 71

Author:Lisa Parmley
Source: Articlecitydate

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 8, 2017

Procedures to Apply for Temporary Residence Card in Vietnam

Temporary Residence Card in Vietnam
For foreigners wishing to reside in Vietnam, they must belong to the subjects to be granted temporary residence card.  For most of the case, the temporary residence card holder are investors whom invest to establish company in Vietnam, or employee being employed and sponsored by an organization in Vietnam.
The following shall details the procedures to be implemented for applying for temporary residence card in Vietnam.
I. Subjects to be Granted Temporary Residence Card
  • Issued to members of diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations affiliated to the UN, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations and their spouses, children under 18 years of age, and housemaids during their term of office. (NG3)
  • Issued to people who come to work with units affiliated to Vietnam’s Communist Party; the National Assembly, the government, Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, the People’s Supreme Court, the People’s Supreme Procuracy, State Audit Agency, Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, the People’s Councils, the People’s Committees of provinces. (LV1)
  • Issued to people who come to work with socio-political organizations, social organizations, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (LV2)
  • Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam. (DT)
  • Issued to Managers of representative offices or projects of international organizations and foreign non-governmental organizations in Vietnam. (NN1)
  • Issued to heads of representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of other foreign economic, cultural, professional organizations in Vietnam. (NN2)
  • Issued to people who come to study or serve internship. (DH)
  • Issued to journalists who have permanent residences in Vietnam. (PV1)
  • Issued to people who come to work. (LD)
  • Issued to foreigners that are parents, spouse, and children under 18 years of age of the foreigners issued with LV1, LV2, DT, NN1, NN2, UNIVERSITY, PV1, LD visas, or foreigners that are parents, spouse, and children of Vietnamese citizens. (TT)
II. Conditions for Implementation
  • Time to stay in Vietnam more than 01 year;
  • Valid passport more than 01 year;
  • In case of having a work permit, the work permit of the foreigner must be valid for 01 year from the date of the application for a temporary residence card. For investors, there must be written documents proving that foreigners contribute capital to, or invest in, enterprises in Vietnam (business registration certificates, investment licenses …).
III. Required Documents to Apply Temporary Residence Card
  • A written request of agencies, organizations and individuals offering, guarantee and propose for temporary residence card (form NA7)
  • 01 declaration of information of foreigners who apply for temporary residence, with photos and sealed by the agency or organization: A written request for temporary residence card (Form NA8); a declaration about Foreigners applying for temporary resident card (Form N7B)
  • Two 3 x4 cm size photographs;
  • Passport, valid visa, immigration cards (bring original for comparison);
  • Notice of use of the seal of the enterprise
  • 01 copies or photo (bring the original for comparison) proof of purpose to stay in Vietnam.
Depending on situations, the following documents would be required: investment licenses, permits the establishment of enterprises, work permit in Vietnam, certificate of board members and permits the establishment of representative offices, marriage/birth registration.
IV. Implementing Agencies to Apply Temporary Residence Card:
Immigration management Department, Police provinces and cities directly under the Central Government.
V. Duration to Obtain Temporary Residence Card in Vietnam: 05 to 07 days;

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Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 8, 2017

Conditions of Foreigner on Adoption in Vietnam

Nowadays, foreigners from other countries wish to adopt children in Vietnam and bring them up to his/her country for custody.  Vietnam in the meantime encourages the adoption for the better conditions on life environment, education system which would bring to the children when living with the new family.  However, the adoption conditions are still regulated strictly and its acceptance procedures are considered and controlled stringently by competent authorities of the Government.
ANT Lawyers will provide to you the regulated conditions of the adoptive parents need to be met as below:
The adoptive parent has to meet fully conditions as below for adoption:
  • Having full civil act capacity;
  • Being 20 years or more older than the adopted person;
  • Having health, financial and accommodation conditions for assuring the care for and nurture and education of the adopted child.
  • Having good ethical qualities.
And not being one these following cases:
  • Having some of the parental rights over a minor child restricted:
  • Currently serving an administrative handling decision at an educational institution or medical treatment establishment;
  • Currently serving an imprisonment penalty:
  • Having a criminal record of commission of any of the crimes: intentionally infringing upon another’s life, health, dignity and honor; maltreating or persecuting one’s grandparents, parents, spouse, children, grandchildren or caretaker; enticing or compelling a minor to violate the law or harboring a minor violator; trafficking in. fraudulently swapping or appropriating children, which has not been remitted yet.
After meeting fully conditions above, Vietnamese living abroad, foreigners permanently living abroad will be entitled to adopt identified Vietnamese children if they fall into the following cases:
  • Being the step father or step mother of the to-be-adopted child;
  • Being natural aunt or uncle of the to-be-adopted child;
  • Having adopted a child who is a sibling of the to-be-adopted child;
  • Adopting a child who is disabled or infected with HIV/AIDS or another dangerous disease, including: children with cleft lip and cleft palate, children who are blinded with one or two eyes; mutism, deaf; dumb; children with curved arms or legs, children with missing fingers, hands, foot (feet), toes, children infected with HIV; children with heart diseases; children with navel, groin, belly hernia; children without an anus or sexual organ; children with blood disease; children with diseases requiring life-long treatment; children with other disabilities or dangerous disease which restricting the chances of adoption;
  • Being foreigners currently working or studying in Vietnam for at least 1 year.

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Please click here to learn more about ANT Lawyers IP Practice or contact our IP lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at (+84) 24 32 23 27 71